WordPress Plugins and Themes Work Better With Freemius

Freemius is Trusted by Millions of Users Worldwide and Thousands of Plugins & Themes Including:

Mark Zahra
CEO at RebelCode

Users are Happier With Plugins and Themes That Use Freemius

Use. Share. Enjoy.

With Freemius You Enjoy:

Opt In for a Better User Experience
Skip or Opt-Out
- Share only essential, non-sensitive info
- Your product will work as expected
- No data collected
- Your product will work as expected
- Get Product Update Notifications
- Receive Security Warnings
- Learn About New Features
- Never Miss Discounts and Special Offers
- Enjoy Educational (How-to) Content
- You will not receive any notifications
- Plugins and Themes Are More Compatible With Your Site Infrastructure
- Your site is at a higher risk of breaking
- Over time, products get better at what you need them to do
- Your preferences stay in the dark
- Share only essential, non-sensitive info
- Your product will work as expected
- Get Product Update Notifications
- Receive Security Warnings
- Learn About New Features
- Never Miss Discounts and Special Offers
- Enjoy Educational (How-to) Content
- Plugins and Themes Are More Compatible With Your Site Infrastructure
- Over time, products get better at what you need them to do
Skip or Opt-Out
- No data collected
- Your product will work as expected
- You will not receive any notifications
- Your site is at a higher risk of breaking
- Your preferences stay in the dark
Our Sharing Mechanism Is Safe, It’s Tested, and It’s Open-Source
Want to get technical?

Here is the info we collect and why:
Never miss an important update
Opt in to get email notifications for security & feature updates, and to share some basic WordPress environment info. This will help us make the plugin more compatible with your site and better at doing what you need it to.
If you skip, no info is shared and the plugin will work as expected.
Homepage URL & title, WP & PHP versions, and site language
View Basic plugin Info
Current plugin & SDK versions, and if active or uninstalled
- First name
- Last name
- Email address
- Website’s title
- Homepage URL
- WordPress and PHP versions
Sharing these makes your site less prone to breaking because the team behind the plugin or theme knows to support your infrastructure in the next major update.
- Site language
Sharing this makes it possible to translate the product’s interface to your language and region.
- Plugin version
- SDK version
- Plugin state (whether active, inactive, or uninstalled)
Allow the plugin or theme to determine which notifications to send (and which not to send). Whether it’s a security warning relevant to a specific version of the plugin, an update that fixes it, or a feedback request to hear how you’re enjoying the new updated version.
Allow the plugin or theme to solve compatibility issues with other plugins and themes, making the products you use more compatible with one another in future updates.
function get_basic_profile_info() {
$current_wp_user = wp_get_current_user();
return [
'first_name' => $current_wp_user->user_firstname,
'last_name' => $current_wp_user->user_lastname,
'email' => $current_wp_user->user_email,
function get_plugin_state() {
$plugin_basename = plugin_basename( __FILE__ );
return is_plugin_active( $plugin_basename );
function get_basic_plugin_info() {
$plugin_data = get_plugin_data();
$plugin_basename = plugin_basename( __FILE__ );
return [
'plugin_version' => $plugin_data[ 'Version' ],
'sdk_version' => WP_FS__SDK_VERSION,
'is_plugin_active' => is_plugin_active( $plugin_basename ),
function get_basic_theme_info() {
$theme_data = wp_get_theme();
return [
'theme_version' => $theme_data->get( 'Version' ),
'sdk_version' => WP_FS__SDK_VERSION,
function after_switch_theme_callback( $old_theme_name, $old_theme ) {
$theme_data = wp_get_theme();
$is_theme_active = ( $theme_data->get( 'Name' ) !== $old_theme_name );
add_action( 'after_switch_theme', 'after_switch_theme_callback', 10, 2 );
function get_extensions_list() {
$extensions = [
'plugins' => [],
'themes' => [],
$plugins = get_plugins();
foreach ( $plugins as $plugin_basename => $plugin ) {
$extensions[ 'plugins' ][] = [
'name' => $plugin[ 'Name' ],
'slug' => $plugin[ 'slug' ],
'version' => $plugin[ 'Version' ],
'is_active' => is_plugin_active( $plugin_basename ),
$active_theme_stylesheet = wp_get_theme()->get_stylesheet();
$themes = wp_get_themes();
foreach ( $themes as $theme_slug => $theme ) {
$extensions[ 'themes' ][] = [
'name' => $theme->name,
'slug' => $theme_slug,
'version' => $theme->version,
'is_active' => ( $theme_slug === $active_theme_stylesheet ),
return $extensions;
The Freemius SDK is built to make WordPress more versatile and responsive by allowing you to take action right inside your WP Admin dashboard. With the Freemius SDK, you can:
- Contact the product team in the dashboard directly.
- Start a free trial easily.
- View the product’s paid plans quickly.
- Upgrade your plan inside the WP Admin dashboard.
- Apply to the product’s affiliate program effortlessly.
- Automatically handle API connectivity issues.
- The SDK is translated to 14 different languages.
These features make our SDK larger than comparable solutions, yet the size is still compact when you consider how much more you can do without having to navigate away from your native workspace.