Securely load the Checkout while pre-populating the user’s information
We’re pleased to announce a new feature we implemented following our partners’ feedback. It allows you to safely and securely load the Freemius Checkout app where the user’s name, email, VAT, country, ZIP Code/Postal Code, etc. are pre-populated.
High-level process
- When the user clicks on the purchase button, make a call to YOUR backend.
- Your backend will figure out the ID of the user and the ID of the product they’re trying to purchase.
- The backend will call the Freemius API to generate a token.
- The token will be given back to the JavaScript application that intercepted the ‘click’.
- The JavaScript application will thenĀ
the Freemius checkout while passing the generated token asuser_token
Ā in the configuration.
More details and code examples have been added to our documentation.