Changelog / Various Checkout improvements

Various Checkout improvements

We’ve released several updates to our Checkout application:

Fixed VAT validation issues

We noticed some valid VAT IDs were being blocked by the Checkout app.

Improved VAT ID verification

We fixed this by rolling out a more robust VAT ID validation system for the front-end app.

Improved translations

Certain strings — especially those coming up as exceptions (for example, “Invalid coupon code”) — were not getting translated.

Improved translation in the Checkout

We’ve introduced fixes for them. You can also use the Freemius Checkout Buy Button API to load the Checkout in one of the supported languages.

Improved Country Selector search algorithm

Improved search algorithm in the country dropdown

We’ve improved the “fuzzy” logic of the Country Selector UI search feature. The search is now more natural and accurate.

Other bug fixes

  • In cases where a coupon is used, the correct discounted first payment price on the billing cycle UI is now displayed.
  • We’ve fixed an issue in the SDK Checkout mode, where the “Resend email” button was not working properly.
  • We’ve added ZIP code validation in the Dunning app and made general improvements to the form validation UX.
  • The responsiveness of the Checkout footer has also been fixed.