Changelog / Checkout phase2 improvements and bug fixes

Checkout phase2 improvements and bug fixes

We are bringing a few small enhancements and bug fixes to the phase2 checkout (beta).

  • Fixed a regression in the money-back UI appearing below the breakdown, even when the product does not have a refund policy.
  • Fixed boolean values coming from the JS SDK which were not being respected in some cases.
  • Fixed a small glitch in the license input UI on smaller devices.
  • We improved the form validation UX by not showing errors under a field that was not focused specifically by the user.
  • Fixed a typo in the license dropdown where it said “Unlimited Site” instead of “Unlimited Sites”.
  • We updated the Spanish translation from a professional translator.
  • We did some performance improvements.

We are also getting ready to rollout the new checkout in production. Please read our announcement post here.