Freemius Checkout translations out of beta
Great news! The Freemius Checkout now fully supports the following languages out of the box.
- Spanish
- German
- French
- Italian
- Dutch

Loading the checkout page in a buyer’s native language significantly improves conversion rates. That’s why we’ve prioritized translating the Checkout into the most popular languages.
To display the Checkout in a specific language, you can use the language
parameter when configuring the Checkout JavaScript SDK. For example:
const handler = new FS.Checkout({
plugin_id: 'x',
public_key: '...',
language: 'de_DE',
The example above will load the Checkout in German. Alternatively, you can use the value 'auto'
, which automatically determines the buyer’s location and loads the Checkout in their supported language. For more information please see our documentation here.