Changelog / New Feature: Billing Selector UI for Checkout

New Feature: Billing Selector UI for Checkout

This week, we’re introducing one of the most anticipated features for our Checkout. Last year, we released Phase 2 of the Checkout, which underwent a major redesign. At that time, we removed the legacy Billing Cycle UI in favor of a more compact Upsell UI.

However, we’ve received feedback requesting the return of the billing selector UI. This feature is particularly useful for makers using Freemius Checkout directly, without a dedicated pricing page. It provides buyers with more flexibility to select their preferred billing cycle at the time of purchase.

Freemius Checkout Billing Selector UI

We’ve listened to your feedback and are now introducing an optimized and visually enhanced Billing Cycle UI that complements the new Checkout experience.

This feature is not enabled by default. To activate it, add the following URL parameter to your Checkout URL:


Alternatively, if you’re using the Checkout JS SDK, you can enable it with the following configuration:

const handler = new Checkout({
  billing_cycle_selector: 'responsive_list',

Configuration Options

The billing_cycle_selector parameter accepts the following values:

  1. responsive_list – Displays billing cycles in a smart list that adapts to available space.
  2. dropdown – Shows a dropdown UI, allowing buyers to select their preferred billing cycle.
  3. list – Same as responsive_list but always show up vertically.

If none of the values are present the UI will not show up. Read more details below.

Rendering a Responsive List

Our recommendation is to use the responsive_list option. You can do so by setting the parameter value to responsive_list or simply true.

Responsive list of Billing Cycle in Freemius Checkout

This will display all available billing cycles upfront. If only two billing cycles are available, they will appear in a horizontal layout to save space.

Flat vertical list of Billing cycle UI in Freemius Checkout

If you prefer a vertical list, you can use list instead of responsive_list.

Dropdown UI

If you want to minimize vertical space usage, set the parameter to dropdown.

This will render a single item that buyers can click to open a dropdown menu for selection.

Billing Cycle dropdown UI in open state - Freemius Checkout

Adjustment with Upsells

Enabling the billing cycle UI will automatically disable annual and lifetime upsells.

Disabled upsells when Billing Cycle UI is shown

As always, we’re building this feature with our community. If you’d like to discuss anything, feel free to join our Slack or reach out to our support team.