Changelog / Various fixes to the Developer Dashboard

Various fixes to the Developer Dashboard

This week’s deployment also brings various fixes to the Developer Dashboard.

Revealing the secret key on the Store Settings page

We had a UI issue on the Store Settings page where the secret key could not be revealed. Not only did we fix this issue, we also improved the UI in general.

Secret key UI in the Developer Dashboard - Freemius

From now on, the secret key will be hidden by default on every page that displays it. You can choose whether to reveal it or to copy it.

Other fixes/improvements

  • The cache busting now works seamlessly when we deploy a new version of the Developer Dashboard app. Previously, some of our partners faced some issues.
  • Fixed an edge case issue where the main pricing wouldn’t load properly on the pricing page.
  • Fixed an issue where the earnings page could not be loaded directly from the bookmark.