Introducing Freemius Checkout: Sell Your WordPress Products Anywhere

Freemius Checkout

I’m excited to announce the all new Freemius Checkout we’ve been hard at work on in the past few months. It is now finally out.

What is Freemius Checkout? You couldn’t have asked this question at a better timing!

Freemius Checkout is the simplest way to start selling your WordPress plugins and themes online. Anywhere online.

There’s very little initial setup you need to do to get started selling:

  1. Set your pricing, obviously
  2. Integrate the Freemius SDK code into your plugin/theme
  3. Paste the generated ‘buy button’ code snippet into any webpage and start selling!

That was easy. Almost too easy.. but seriously – that’s it.

How It Works

When you sell using Freemius Checkout you get:

 Secure Checkout – purchases are secure and PCI compliant. Freemius Checkout uses the Stripe.js & PayPal Express Checkout, so we do not “touch” credit cards.

Software Licensing – to control the number of sites your plugin/theme will be valid for. On license expiration you can choose what happens (block paid features or just cease updates & support).

Automatic Updates  – you deploy your releases to Freemius and the GPL SDK will automatically update all sites with a valid license.


*Bonus: following these simple steps will also provide your digital products with analytics & insights from Freemius Insights, built-in.

Why We Built Freemius Checkout

The #1 reason was that so far, our monetization solution was focused mainly on freemium plugins, perfecting the upsell and upgrade by creating a seamless checkout directly within the WordPress admin dashboard. While it’s a great solution for freemium plugins – it can’t work with premium only WordPress products.

Freemius Checkout widget
Freemius Checkout widget

Secondly, plugins authors who were monetizing with Freemius and also have websites were unable to sell their paid version directly within their website, and we had to come up with trial  workarounds. Not the perfect solution. Freemius Checkout solves that by enabling the sale both from your own website as well as from the WordPress admin dashboard. Did we mention you can sell anywhere?

Finally, we’ve been talking with dozens of CodeCanyon & ThemeForest plugin & theme developers, and due to Envato’s tax related changes from last year, selling there became an issue for developers based in eastern countries. The high commission + high taxes pushed them to look for alternative solutions. After learning & understanding their core needs we hope Freemius Checkout will help those developers continue focusing on building awesome plugins & themes and make a living out of it, rather than have to deal with tax related issues.

Why/When Should I Use Freemius Checkout vs. EDD or WooCommerce?

We are big fans of both EDD & Woo! Having said that, setting up any of these e-commerce solutions is very time consuming and requires an initial financial investment (buying software licensing add-ons, gateway add-ons, etc). Plus, you have to have a WordPress installation running, purchase & set up SSL certificates (pain in the a$$), create gateways accounts like PayPal & Stripe, which aren’t supported in many eastern countries, and maintain the whole thing.

With Freemius Checkout you can start selling in minutes (see the steps above), it’s secure & PCI compliant, no need to set up any gateways, our business model is rev-share, so there’s ZERO initial dollar investment, it comes with software licensing and automatic updates. And you can sell from any website (doesn’t have to be WordPress).

We already mentioned you also get all your stats & client info, right? right.

Sell Away!

I am confident Freemius Checkout will be very attractive and efficient for WordPress product authors, and we are certain they will be happy to learn that this new revolutionary approach exists from now on.

If you’re interested, and care to start selling in minutes – head over to the Freemius Checkout page and sign yourself up.

Comments? questions? Feel free to contact the Freemius team, or discuss it here at the comments area.


Vova Feldman

Published by

Freemius CEO & Founder, a serial entrepreneur and full-stack developer since age 14, propelled by a pursuit of excellence, embraces a holistic approach to life shaped by invaluable lessons in hard work and discipline.

Bruno Carreço

“No more need for users to visit an external site to purchase the plugin, be redirected to PayPal, return back to site, then install premium plugin, then activate license! All the provided analytics are also very welcome.”

Bruno Carreço - Self employed plugin developer at Go Fetch Jobs Try Freemius Today

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