Freemius at 10: From Bootstrapped Beginnings to Our Next Big Leap Forward

It’s hard to believe ten years have passed since Freemius first came to life. What started as an idea to help solo makers and indie hackers pursue their passions has grown into something far bigger than I ever imagined.

Looking back on our recent team retreat in Portugal, I’m filled with gratitude and excitement. It wasn’t just about celebrating Freemius’ 10th anniversary — it was a chance to bring our global team together, refine our future vision, and, most importantly, strengthen the bonds that drive us forward.

Freemius team in Cascais Portugal for 10-year anniversary team retreat
Dream team 🤩

Things officially kicked off with a presentation that reflected on Freemius’ past, assessed the present, and charted a course for the future. As this was the cornerstone of the retreat — setting the tone for the coming days — I’d like to share what was discussed at our first gathering (along with a few presentation slides for good measure).

A Journey of Growth: Freemius’ Past, Present, and FutureFreemius CEO Vova Feldman presenting at Portugal team retreat

As I mentioned, one of the main goals of the retreat was to unite the team in a shared vision of the company’s future.

To do this, I reflected on three key stages that have shaped Freemius over the past decade.


Freemius ten year anniversary keynote slide

Initially, we focused on launching a product that could solve real problems for WordPress plugin developers. For the first two years, the challenge was closing the gap between what was already out there and what we envisioned for Freemius — a feature-complete product.

After releasing features as fast as possible to get our name out there, we reached a stage where our solution was stable and we had enough happy makers on the platform to move to the next era of Freemius.


We entered the growth stage from about 2017 to 2021. This was when we truly hit our stride. We found product-market fit, and our platform started gaining real traction.

Freemius ten year anniversary keynote slide

During this period, we rapidly grew our audience, expanded our offerings, and onboarded a significant number of software makers. However, this growth came with its own set of challenges. We were growing faster than we could expand our team, which made it hard to keep up with demand.

As a result, I found myself and other team members juggling multiple responsibilities to keep things running smoothly.

Around 2021, I realized we’d reached a critical point. The company had grown beyond what I could manage alone, and it became clear that we needed to build a leadership team to help us scale effectively.

So, I shifted my focus toward recruiting talent that could take over key areas of the business. Over the past few years, we’ve brought in incredible people — a CTO, a CMO, and leads for brand and content, among others.

With the talent to take us to the next level, the infrastructure to launch from, and our amazing makers’ community, I’m thrilled to announce that we are set to scale.

And scale big…

Software of All Shapes and Sizes — Freemius is Coming for You!

We are pumped to finally announce that Freemius is ready to become the go-to solution for selling all types of software.Freemius ten-year anniversary keynote go-to solution for software

Initially, we were focused solely on WordPress plugins (especially freemium plugins).

But as we’ve evolved, so has our vision.

We’ve already expanded to themes and static software, and now our sights are set on offering solutions for SaaS and any type of downloadable software like desktop apps.

This transition isn’t just about expanding our product offerings. It’s about continuing to push the boundaries of what we can achieve. We’re doubling down on our core expertise — helping makers monetize their software — and we’re extending that expertise to new types of software businesses.

What excites me most about this phase is the impact we can have. As we expand, we’ll be able to help even more makers around the world make a living doing what they love — building software.

With our future vision outlined on that first day of the retreat, the coming days in Portugal would reveal just how aligned we are as a team on the way forward. Each day was an opportunity to appreciate working on something great together and to realize how well we fit as a group.

Whether it’s our communication, working styles, or shared values, it became clear that we’re in this with the right people.

The activities and chill time together only strengthened this. Here’s a snapshot of the moments that brought us together:

Team Retreat Highlights aka The Activities That Bind 🫂

For many of the team, Portugal was the first chance to meet in person after years of working together virtually. Our Head of Brand Hadas Golzaker summed it up best: “It’s the first time I finally met everyone I talk to daily, and now I know how tall (and short) they really are!”

Freemius team in elevator Portugal retreat
Freemius: The tall and short of it…

At the heart of her joke lies the essence of the experience — finally being able to connect in three dimensions and build real-world, meaningful bonds.

Well met indeed

A Global Get Together: Olá Portugal, Hello Ericeira 👋

On September 4th, team members from far-flung countries like South Africa, Costa Rica, Argentina, and India joined those from Italy, Serbia, Israel, Kosovo, and Spain to descend on the bustling surfing town of Ericeira.

Seaside ocean town Ericeira Freemius team retreat
Beautiful by day…
Night view of ocean at Ericeira Portugal
Electric by night ⚡

Our accommodation was a seaside apartment block with a gym, sauna, pool, and — wait for it — a skateboard park! Rooms were booked by department so that video, content, engineering, etc. could spend time with the team members they work closely with.

Our “office” was a sprawling penthouse that could probably have accommodated the entire team. Upon arrival at the home base, everyone received some awesome SWAG with the new Freemius branding:

Freemius swag with new branding

A Serene Afternoon and a Wild First Dinner

After the keynote presentation, our Head of Video Content Zee Hazan took us on an odyssey of the spirit, leading the team through a mindfulness session that taught us how to manage thoughts and feelings, take in the present moment, and appreciate our surroundings and company.

The calm ending to the day led to an evening that was anything but…

Freemius team dishing up pizza at Portugal team retreat
A slice of the good life 🍕

The pizza party on the first night didn’t so much break the ice as completely melt it!

Once our stomachs were lined, we sat down to play a game of 99 questions, all designed to get team members to share stories about themselves. As the beers flowed, the tales became wackier, revealing sides of colleagues that were surprising and often hilarious.

Our CTO Dror Yaakov reflected, “This was the first time I really felt close to the team. We laughed, shared stories, and it felt like we were finally becoming a cohesive unit.”

Head of Content Scott Murcott added: “Loose lips sink ships! Maybe my colleagues know a little too much about me now? 😬”

Freemius Road Trip 🚗

Day Two was all about exploration, adventure, and taking in the beauty that Portugal has to offer.

First stop:

The magical Sintra

From tree-shadowed winding roads and expansive views to its enchanting town center with old-world shops, restaurants, and bars, there is something incredibly captivating about Sintra. I mean, just take a look at the pics:

Landscape shot of Sintra

Another highlight was a quick stop at “the end of the earth” Cabo da Roca, the westernmost point of continental Europe. Hadas described it as “magical,” saying, “It felt like the ocean was connected to the sky. You couldn’t tell where one ended and the other began. It was breathtaking.”

She wasn’t wrong:

Lighthouse and ocean at Cabo da Roca

Though we were overwhelmed by natural and architectural beauty, the road trip was about more than just sightseeing. It was another opportunity for us to bond in a more relaxed setting. Our CMO Goran Mirkovic shared:

Having a sort of road trip together helped us bond with different team members at different places and times. Whether we were talking on the bus, walking down dark wells, or clinking beers over Portuguese cuisine, it deepened our connections and strengthened us as a team.

Reflections on the River, More Wine 😶‍🌫️ and a Bittersweet Last Dinner

On the final day of the retreat, most of us headed out for a peaceful SUP (stand-up paddleboarding) session. I say “most of us” because there were one or two whose late night/morning revelry left them needing extra rest.

Freemius team getting ready to SUP at Portugal team retreat

After lunch came wine tasting, but before that, I finally got a break in the schedule to take to the skies:

During the wine tasting, attention very quickly turned from the tipple to each other for good laughs and conversation. We knew things were winding down, but it felt like we wanted to make the most of the remaining time together.

Freemius team wine tasting at Portugal team retreat 10-year anniversary

Sun setting in Ericeira Portugal at Freemius team retreat
Slowly but surely, the sun was setting on our special retreat

My Main Highlight: A Shared “Why” Forged With a Toast

One of the most meaningful moments for me was when we gathered for a toast, celebrating not just Freemius’ 10-year journey, but the personal milestones of every team member.

As we raised our glasses, I couldn’t help but be humbled by the incredible stories shared around the table — stories of growth, achievement, and pride in the work we’ve done together.

Some shared their excitement about professional challenges they had overcome, while others spoke about personal growth and how their role at Freemius had pushed them to be the best versions of themselves.

This wasn’t just about hitting business targets; it was about celebrating the fact that we’ve built a team that pushes each other to grow and evolve, both personally and professionally.

The impact we create as a company is important. We’ve built a platform that has helped software makers worldwide succeed, which is incredibly meaningful. But there’s more to it than that. Personal and professional growth is just as important.

This common thread ran through every story shared during the toast — the pride in becoming better versions of ourselves, always improving, always learning.

And then there’s the third aspect of why we push ourselves: to improve our lives. As Freemius grows, so do the opportunities for every team member. Our goal is to make Freemius a place where growth isn’t just about the company, but about creating better lives for ourselves and our community of makers; to build better futures for each other.

These are the real “whys” that drive us to make an impact, to innovate, and ultimately, to realize the bold future goals we have set for ourselves.

Retreat Reflections: A Bittersweet Goodbye and a Look Ahead

I must give a massive thanks to Hadas for organizing the retreat and creating an itinerary that was packed with action while allowing for quieter times to just relax in the beautiful Ericeira. A special thanks to Mary Jane Aniciete for helping Hadas pull it all together.

The time in Portugal reminded me that Freemius is more than just a company — it’s a team of highly talented, unique, and — most importantly — good people. A team of passionate individuals who care deeply about their work, their colleagues, and the vision we’re building together. I’m incredibly proud of what we’ve achieved, but I’m even more excited for what’s ahead.

As we move forward, our focus remains clear: to keep pushing ourselves, growing Freemius into the go-to platform for software sales, and creating meaningful, lasting impact for software makers around the world.

Here’s to 10 years of Freemius — and many more to come.

Goodbye, Ericeira. Here’s to the next team retreat, wherever that may be…

Vova Feldman

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Freemius CEO & Founder, a serial entrepreneur and full-stack developer since age 14, propelled by a pursuit of excellence, embraces a holistic approach to life shaped by invaluable lessons in hard work and discipline.

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