The Freemius Blog

Your one-stop-shop for becoming an expert in selling WordPress plugins and themes. Everything from brainstorming your first plugin idea, through choosing a business model, product pricing, marketing… all the way to growth and acquisitions.

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Selling Plugins and Themes

A growth roadmap with concise, actionable tips for every milestone of WordPress product development.

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Exploring Business Models & Best Practices

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Mastering Pricing Strategies

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Navigating Marketplaces for Maximum Impact

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Elevating Your Marketing Strategies

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Matt Cromwell, GiveWP

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The team at Freemius writes some of the best content in the WordPress space. It's the kind of reading I bookmark for when I'm planning to sit with a coffee and enjoy but also take furious notes on what I need to do next to improve my business. It's top-notch, can't recommend it enough.

Matt Cromwell, GiveWP

Join Matt Cromwell and 15,758 readers who are obsessed with building a profitable WordPress product business.

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Strategies for Acquisitions & Successful Exits

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Expert Insights: Learning from the Best

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Leveraging the Repository

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Get Started With Freemius

Stuck growing your product revenue? You’re not alone! We know first-hand how hard it can be to break through a growth barrier in your business. We see so many plugin & theme developers get stuck at $3-5k in monthly revenue without knowing what else they can do with their limited resources.

We know how to break that pattern - this is what we specialize in. If you feel that struggle too, let’s have a chat about how we can help you fully utilize your business financial potential.

Building Your Dream Team: Hiring & Growth

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Successful Product Launch Strategies

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Innovative Growth Hacks for Your Business

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