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WP Admin Account

By utilizing the WordPress SDK an account section will be automatically added to your plugin/theme settings right within the WP Admin dashboard.

If your Account menu item isn’t available, go to /wp-admin/admin.php?page=my-slug-account.

Freemius SDK - Account Details submenu item

Managing your account

The in-dashboard Account page allows users to manage their profile, license, subscription, and billing. All in the context of the installed plugin or theme.

Freemius SDK - Account Details Page

If the license is whitelabeled on your given site, to get more options, you will need to click the Start Debug button. This will provide a prompt/dialog box asking for your license to be added. Once the license is verified from the Freemius API, more options for billing, account details editing and license deactivation are provided.

Deactivate a license from the website

To deactivate your license from a particular website, click the Deactivate License button.

Freemius SDK account - Deactivate License

Next, click the Disconnect button which will prompt for a confirmation.

Freemius sdk - disconnect licensed account

Click the Yes – Disconnect button to disassociate your license with the current site.

Freemius SDK - Account Details Page

White Label Mode

Site builders will sometimes apply their agency/multi-site license on a client’s site using your product as part of their own services. They might desire to hide sensitive/confidential information related to the license e.g.

  • User information
  • Billing details and invoices
  • License key
  • Pricing page
  • Add-on prices (if you sell add-ons)
  • Contact Us page

This is what is known as white-labeling and is one of the other must-have features that comes with Freemius out of the box and can be handled from 3 different platforms for your customer’s convenience.

Via the WordPress SDK

Since WordPress SDK 2.4.1, a new admin notice will appear upon license activation to allow users to enable white-label mode directly from the WP Admin before handing over a site to their clients.

Freemius SDK - admin notice in the WordPress Admin after license activation giving users the option to use white-label mode

Via the User Dashboard

Your customers can also handle the license whitelisting via the User Dashboard by:

  • Logging into their accounts
  • Click the licenses menu item
  • Clicking on the preferred product to expose an editing panel.
    Freemius User dashboard panel with license white labeling option
  • Then checking the white-labeling field. By flagging a license as “White Labeled”, license owners can easily hide confidential information about their account and license:
    Freemius User dashboard - license white labeling option details

Via the Freemius Developer Dashboard

In the developer dashboard, as the product maker, you can help the customer white-label a particular license by:

  • Going to the Licenses menu item.
  • Identify the license you wish to whitelist, then scroll horizontally to its row.
  • Toggle the Whitelisting for the specific license.

Freemius Developer dashboard - License white labeling