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  3. Selling with Freemius
  4. So, what exactly does it do?

So, what exactly does it do?

Freemius is a merchant of record (MoR) for selling software products. The Freemius platform comes with in-depth analytics and marketing automation capabilities to maximize conversion rates and minimize churn.

It empowers software makers to start selling WordPress plugins, WordPress themes, and SaaS (software as a service) in minutes by providing makers with several options to sell their software products online:

  1. Freemius Checkout / Buy Button: The ability to sell from any webpage by embedding a JavaScript code snippet.
  2. No-code Checkout Links: The ability to sell from practically anywhere including social networks (Facebook, Twitter), emails, and more.
  3. In-Dashboard Checkout: The ability to sell freemium products directly within the WP Admin dashboard.

You can use one or more of the selling methods in parallel. In any case there will be no additional setup required on your part.

These are the different services offered by Freemius:

Freemius handles US sales tax and EU VAT

Freemius enables product owners to focus on making better products by eliminating the worry of managing global sales taxes, including US sales tax, EU VAT and UK VAT.

Our robust checkout provides for capturing tax details and payments to facilitate deductions and exemptions for your customer while remitting the taxes to the right authorities.

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