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Advanced Topics

Once you’ve completed the integration process, you’ll no doubt want to find out more about the advanced features available with Freemius. This section covers some common advanced topics likely to be of interest. Updating the WordPress SDK Freemius is continuously (and rapidly) evolving with new features being added all the time. Just take a look … Continued

Where to Get Help

Occasionally, everyone needs a little support. Here’s a rundown of the best places to get help with any challenges you might have in using Freemius. Freemius Slack Channel This is a great way to meet fellow plugin and theme developers who already have a wealth of knowledge using Freemius. Some developers have been using Freemius … Continued

Next Steps

You now have all the information needed to get started with Freemius! It’s time for action: Open an account if you haven’t already done so and you can start integrating. Before you know it, you’ll have the Freemius platform working with your own WordPress plugin or theme. Let’s recap the steps for a successful integration: … Continued

Explore the User Dashboard

One of the most important aspects of selling a plugin or theme is allowing your users to manage their relationship with you. Freemius provides a fully-featured User Dashboard that can easily be embedded on your site using a custom plugin from Freemius. For instructions on how to set up the User Dashboard on your site, … Continued

Making Your First Sale

Making Your First Sale with Freemius Checkout / Buy Button Once the SDK integration process has been completed, your plugin or theme users can purchase the paid version of your product in 3 places: Directly from the WP Admin Hosted Freemius Checkout pages A Buy Button that can easily be integrated into any website. Upgrading … Continued

Our Pricing

Before we get to making your first sale, it’s important to know what it will cost to use Freemius. Even though you may have checked out our Pricing page, we want to make sure it’s crystal clear. You only start paying for anything when you start monetizing with Freemius – meaning you’ve made at least … Continued

Explore the Developer Dashboard

The Developer Dashboard is your main portal to the Freemius platform. In it, you can track important statistics, such as product sales and user opt-ins, manage products, licenses, customers, and much more! Because you’ll be managing many aspects of your software business in the Developer Dashboard, we recommend taking some time to familiarize yourself with … Continued

Deployment Process

With the integration process completed, you’re ready to Deploy your plugin or theme to the Freemius Developer Dashboard. First, compress (Zip) the root folder of your product that will be uploaded to the Freemius Developer Dashboard. Begin the deployment process by: 1. Going to Deployment page 2. Click the Add New Version button. 3. Then … Continued

Integration with SDK

The Freemius WordPress SDK contains an impressive set of features to help you sell your plugins and themes, and it’s regularly updated with new features and improvements. After setting up your product’s plans and pricing, go to the SDK Integration page to add the latest WordPress SDK into your Product. This part of the integration … Continued

Setup Product Pricing, Plans & Refunds

Configure pricing plans for your users, each with distinct feature sets, billing cycles, prices, and number of licenses. Go to the Plans page in the Developer Dashboard to create your first plan. It is recommended to add features to all of your plans, including the Free plan, if you offer one, so that they show … Continued