Events & webhooks allow you to perform some behind-the-scenes magic to automate your marketing efforts. Once you start using webhooks to automate email marketing you will get hooked.
What Is An Event?
An event is any action taken by someone inside your plugin/theme.
You have control over what that action will be, and you can pick the user actions you’d like to use out of a list of actions Freemius currently supports for all plugins and themes.
We have found the actions on this list to be the most useful ones to use, but due to customer demand we plan to turn it into an open list, so that you will be able to add any action you want to it. That way, in case you think of an action that is not on the list, but may be very useful for your product to use – you can simply add and use it.
What Is A Webhook?
A webhook is a very useful way to implement a reaction to an event, in real time. It can provide data about an action to the Freemius API, which will, in turn, trigger another action. In the case of Freemius that action will be to send out an email to the user who performed the defined action.
How to create a Webhook?
- Go to the Integrations section then choose Custom Webhooks
- Click the Add Webhook button.
- A popup with a form will appear. Add your custom URL that will receive the event callback.
- Select whether to receive all event types or specific ones on the Callback URL.
- Choose to immediately make the webhhook active or deactivate for a future time.
The Webhook can be edited later to change the url and other options. See all the available webhooks
How Can I Use Webhooks?
You can find an example here where you use the Freemius webhooks mechanism to decrease the abandonment rate of your product.
You can leverage it as a trigger to automatically send an email to any user who deactivates your plugin/theme. In the email you can ask your user if he/she is having any issues with your product and offer assistance.
How to Test Event’s Payload?
If you’d like to understand the payload of a specified event.type
follow these steps:
1. Head to the EVENTS LOG section in the dashboard.
2. Filter the events based on that event.type
3. Copy the ID of the 1st event shown in the filtered view.
4. Leverage the API to fetch the event’s data:
$fs_event = $fs->Api("/events/{$eventID}.json");
5. The result’s schema from the API is identical to the payload’s schema you’ll get by the webhook once event.type
will be processed.
Types of Events
This is a list of all the types of events we currently send. We may add more at any time, so you shouldn’t rely on only these types existing in your code.
You’ll notice that these events follow a pattern: resource.event
. Our goal is to design a consistent system that makes things easier to anticipate and code against. NOTE: Events that occur on “sub” resources like developer.billing
do not trigger the parent’s update
Event | |
---|---| |
Occurs whenever a free version of an add-on is downloaded. |
addon.premium.downloaded |
Occurs whenever a premium version of an add-on is downloaded. |
affiliate.approved |
Occurs whenever an affiliate is approved. |
affiliate.blocked |
Occurs whenever an affiliate is blocked. |
affiliate.created |
Occurs whenever an affiliate is created. |
affiliate.deleted |
Occurs whenever an affiliate is deleted. |
affiliate.payout.pending |
Occurs once per month when our system calculates affiliate payouts. Triggered only for affiliates eligible for a payout after crossing the $100 threshold. |
affiliate.paypal.updated |
Occurs whenever there’s an update of an affiliates PayPal details. |
affiliate.rejected |
Occurs whenever an affiliate is rejected. |
affiliate.suspended |
Occurs whenever an affiliate is suspended. |
affiliate.unapproved |
Occurs whenever an affiliate state is changed from `approved` to `pending`. |
affiliate.updated |
Occurs whenever there’s an update of an affiliate details. |
card.created |
Occurs whenever a new card is added to a user’s dashboard account. |
card.updated |
Occurs whenever a user’s card details have been updated. |
cart.abandoned |
Occurs whenever a cart session has been abandoned. |
cart.completed |
Occurs whenever a ‘sale’ has been completed, but the payment hasn’t necessarily been completed yet (e.g. for trials, 100% coupon codes, or for PayPal subscription which takes 24 to process). |
cart.created |
Occurs whenever a cart session has been initiated. |
cart.recovered |
Occurs whenever an abandoned cart session has been recovered and converted into a ‘sale’ (i.e. triggers the cart.completed event). |
cart.recovery.deactivated |
Occurs when the cart recovery feature has been deactivated in the Developer Dashboard. |
cart.recovery.email_1_sent |
Occurs when the first cart recovery email has been sent. |
cart.recovery.email_2_sent |
Occurs when the second cart recovery email has been sent. |
cart.recovery.email_3_sent |
Occurs when the third (and final) cart recovery email has been sent. |
cart.recovery.reactivated |
Occurs when the cart recovery feature has been reactivated in the Developer Dashboard. |
cart.recovery.subscribed |
Occurs when the prospect re-subscribes to the cart abandonment recovery campaign through a link in the cart recovery emails. Or, if a developer of the product reactivates a recovery campaign through the Developer Dashboard. |
cart.recovery.unsubscribed |
Occurs when the prospect unsubscribes from the cart abandonment recovery campaign through a link in the cart recovery emails. Or, if a developer of the product stops a recovery campaign through the Developer Dashboard. |
cart.updated |
Occurs when the cart contents have been updated. |
coupon.created |
Occurs whenever a coupon is created. |
coupon.deleted |
Occurs whenever a coupon is deleted. |
coupon.updated |
Occurs whenever a coupon is updated. |
developer.billing.updated |
Occurs whenever the billing information of the developer is updated. |
developer.secret_key.updated |
Occurs when the developer secret key has been updated in the Developer Dashboard. |
email.clicked |
Occurs when a link is clicked by a user. Email link click tracking is only included in cart abandonment recovery and trial-related emails. |
email.opened |
Occurs when an email has been opened by a user. Email open tracking is only included in cart abandonment recovery, trial-related, and subscription renewal reminder emails. |
install.activated |
Occurs whenever a user is opted-in, and after reactivation of a product. |
install.deactivated |
Occurs whenever the plugin is deactivated. |
install.deleted |
Occurs whenever a user delete the installation account. |
install.connected |
Occurs whenever a user opts in for sharing basic website info after previously opting out from it.
Important: Starting from Jan 1, 2023, the event name is changing to |
install.disconnected |
Occurs whenever a user opts out from sharing basic website info after previously sharing it.
Important: Starting from Jan 1, 2023, the event name is changing to |
install.extensions.opt_in |
Occurs whenever a user opts in for sharing a website’s plugins & themes list after previously opting out from it. |
install.extensions.opt_out |
Occurs whenever a user opt-out from sharing a website’s plugins & themes list after previously sharing it. |
install.installed |
Occurs whenever a user is opted-in (triggered before install.activated ). |
install.language.updated |
Occurs whenever an installation language is updated. |
install.ownership.candidate.confirmed |
Occurs whenever an account ownership transfer candidate confirms the transfer. |
install.ownership.completed |
Occurs whenever an account ownership transfer is complete. |
install.ownership.initiated |
Occurs whenever an account ownership transfer is initiated. |
install.ownership.owner.confirmed |
Occurs whenever an account ownership transfer is confirmed by the current installation account owner. |
install.plan.changed |
Occurs whenever an installation plan is changed. |
install.plan.downgraded |
Occurs whenever an installation plan is downgraded to the default plan (if the default plan is free, then when downgraded back to the free version). |
install.platform.version.updated |
Occurs whenever an installation WordPress version is updated. |
install.premium.activated |
Occurs whenever the premium code version of the plugin is activated. |
install.premium.deactivated |
Occurs whenever the premium code version of the plugin is deactivated. |
install.programming_language.version.updated |
Occurs whenever an installation PHP version is updated. | |
Occurs whenever a user opts in for sharing basic website after previously opting out from it.
Important: This event will replace | |
Occurs whenever a user opts out from sharing basic website after previously sharing it.
Important: This event will replace |
install.sdk.version.updated |
Occurs whenever an installation Freemius WordPress SDK version is updated. |
install.title.updated |
Occurs whenever an installation’s site title is updated. |
install.trial.cancelled |
Occurs when a trial is cancelled. |
install.trial.expired |
Occurs when a trial is expired. |
install.trial_expiring_notice.sent |
Occurs when an email has been sent to the user notifying them the trial period is about to end. |
install.trial.extended |
Occurs whenever a trial is manually extended. |
install.trial.plan.updated |
Occurs whenever a trial plan is updated. |
install.trial.started |
Occurs when a free trial is started on an existing product install. |
install.uninstalled |
Occurs whenever the plugin/theme is uninstalled. |
install.updated |
Occurs whenever an installation data is updated (in addition to specific install update events). |
install.url.updated |
Occurs whenever an installation’s home URL is updated. |
install.user.opt_in |
Occurs whenever a user opts in for sharing their basic profile info after previously opting out from it. |
install.user.opt_out |
Occurs whenever a user opts out from sharing their basic profile info after previously sharing it. |
install.version.downgrade |
Occurs whenever the plugin/theme is downgraded to a lower version (not related to the plan). |
install.version.upgraded |
Occurs whenever the plugin/theme is upgrade to a newer version (not related to the plan). |
license.activated |
Occurs whenever a license is activated (also triggered automatically after a successful plan upgrade). |
license.blacklisted_site.deleted |
Occurs when a blacklisted site has been removed in the User Dashboard. |
license.cancelled |
Occurs when a license is cancelled. |
license.created |
Occurs whenever a license is created. |
license.deactivated |
Occurs whenever a license is deactivated. |
license.deleted |
Occurs when a license has been deleted in the Developer Dashboard. |
license.expired |
Occurs when a license expires. |
license.expired_notice.sent |
Occurs when a license expired email notice has been sent to the user. |
license.extended |
Occurs whenever a license is extended by the developer from the dashboard. |
license.ownership.changed |
Occurs whenever a license ownership is changed by the developer from the dashboard. |
license.quota.changed |
Occurs whenever a license quota is changed by the developer from the dashboard. |
license.renewal_reminder.sent |
Occurs when a license renewal reminder email has been sent to the user. |
license.shortened |
Occurs when a license has been shortened in the User/Developer Dashboard. | |
Occurs when a site has been blacklisted in the User Dashboard. | |
Occurs when a site has been whitelisted in the User Dashboard. |
license.trial_expiring_notice.sent |
Occurs when a courtesy trial expiration reminder email has been sent to the user. For 7-day trials, the email is sent 2 days prior to the trial expiration. For longer trials, the email is sent 7 days prior to the trial expiration. |
license.updated |
Occurs whenever a license is updated (in addition to specific license update events). |
license.whitelisted_site.deleted |
Occurs when a whitelisted site has been removed in the User Dashboard. |
member.created |
Occurs whenever a developer is added as a team member. |
member.deleted |
Occurs whenever a member is removed from a team. |
member.updated |
Occurs whenever a team member role is updated. |
payment.created |
Occurs whenever a successful payment is created. There’s no dedicated event for subscription renewals. To trigger an action only for renewals, your webhook needs to check the is_renewal flag of the event’s payment object provided with the event’s metadata. |
payment.refund |
Occurs whenever a payment refund is processed. |
payment.dispute.created |
Occurs whenever we notified about a payment disputed by a customer. |
payment.dispute.closed |
Occurs whenever a payment dispute is closed by refunding the disputed payment. |
payment.dispute.lost |
Occurs whenever a payment dispute is closed in favor of the customer. |
payment.dispute.won |
Occurs whenever a payment dispute is closed in your/seller’s favor. |
plan.created |
Occurs whenever a plan is created. |
plan.deleted |
Occurs whenever a plan is deleted. |
plan.lifetime.purchase |
Occurs whenever a user purchases a lifetime package (doesn’t matter which plan). |
plan.updated |
Occurs whenever a plan details are updated. |
plugin.addresses.updated |
Occurs whenever email addresses are updated. |
plugin.created |
Occurs whenever a plugin/theme is created. |
plugin.deleted |
Occurs when a plugin has been deleted in the Developer Dashboard. |
plugin.feature.created |
Occurs whenever a plan feature is created. | |
Occurs whenever a free plugin/theme code version is downloaded. |
plugin.premium.downloaded |
Occurs whenever a premium plugin/theme code version is downloaded. |
plugin.updated |
Occurs when a plugin has been updated in the Developer Dashboard. |
plugin.version.deleted |
Occurs whenever a deployed version is deleted. |
plugin.version.deployed |
Occurs whenever a new plugin/theme version is deployed to Freemius. |
plugin.version.released |
Occurs whenever a version is set as released. |
plugin.version.beta.released |
Occurs whenever a version is released as beta. |
plugin.version.release.suspended |
Occurs whenever a deployment release is suspended. |
plugin.version.updated |
Occurs whenever an existing version is re-deployed to Freemius. |
pricing.created |
Occurs whenever a new pricing is added to a plan. |
pricing.deleted |
Occurs whenever one of the plan pricing is deleted. |
pricing.updated |
Occurs whenever a plan pricing is updated. |
pricing.visit |
Occurs when a user has visited the pricing table via the WordPress admin or popup checkout modal. |
review.created |
Occurs when a new plugin or theme review has been created. |
review.deleted |
Occurs when a review has been deleted in the Developer Dashboard. |
review.requested |
Occurs when a new review request email has been sent to the user. This is sent 7 days after purchase to users that haven’t canceled the license yet, were not refunded, and are using the product on at least one website. |
review.updated |
Occurs when a new review has been updated in the Developer Dashboard. |
store.created |
Occurs when a new store has been created (e.g. when a new Freemius account has been created). |
store.dashboard_url.updated |
Occurs when the store’s dashboard URL is updated. |
store.plugin.added |
Occurs when a product is added to a store. |
store.plugin.removed |
Occurs when a product is removed from a store. |
store.url.updated |
Occurs when a store’s URL is updated |
subscription.cancelled |
Occurs whenever a subscription is cancelled. |
subscription.created |
Occurs whenever a subscription is created. |
subscription.renewal_reminder.sent |
Occurs whenever an annual renewal reminder email is sent (30 days before the automatic renewal). |
subscription.renewal_reminder.opened |
Occurs whenever an annual renewal reminder email is opened. |
subscription.renewal.failed |
Occurs whenever a renewal payment processing is failed . |
subscription.renewal.failed.last |
Occurs when the latest subscription renewal attempt has failed. |
subscription.renewal.failed_email.sent |
Occurs whenever a failure renewal processing email is sent to the buyer. |
subscription.renewal.retry |
Occurs whenever a renewal payment retry is processed. |
subscription.renewals.discounted |
Occurs whenever a special subscription cancellation promo is applied. |
user.beta_program.opted_in |
Occurs when a user has opted into a plugin or theme beta program. |
user.beta_program.opted_out |
Occurs when a user has opted out of a plugin or theme beta program. |
user.billing.updated |
Occurs whenever a customer billing information is updated (e.g. address, VAT ID, company name). |
user.billing.tax_id.updated |
Occurs whenever the tax ID associated with the user’s billing is changed. |
user.card.created |
Occurs whenever a new card is added to a user’s dashboard account. This is similar to card.created but also logs the connection between a user and a credit card. Different users in the system can be associated with the same credit card (e.g. if a company with multiple people is using the same credit card for all their purchases). |
user.created |
Occurs whenever a new user installs the plugin/theme and opts in. | |
Occurs whenever a user update their email address. | |
Occurs when a user email is verified (usually via email confirmation). If you need to use this event, please contact us first via [email protected]. |
user.email_status.bounced |
Occurs when a transactional email sent to a user bounces, which also changes the user’s email_status property to 'bounced' . |
user.email_status.delivered |
Occurs when a transactional email sent to a user is successfully delivered and only if the user’s previous deliverability state (aka the email_status property) was not empty before. I.e., this event is only triggered after a previous email has bounced or dropped. |
user.email_status.dropped |
Occurs when a transactional email sent to a user is dropped, which also changes the user’s email_status property to 'dropped' . | |
Occurs when a user has opted into a plugin or theme marketing material (emails). This event only occurs after a change in the marketing opt-in state and is not triggered when a user is created. | |
Occurs when a user has opted out of a plugin or theme marketing material (emails). This event only occurs after a change in the marketing opt-in state and is not triggered when a user is created. | |
Occurs when a user’s marketing status has been reset. | |
Occurs whenever a user update their name. | |
Occurs when a user contacts support through the User Dashboard contact form. |
user.trial.started |
Occurs when a user registers for a trial. |
webhook.created |
Occurs whenever a webhook is created. |
webhook.deleted |
Occurs whenever a webhook is deleted. |
webhook.updated |
Occurs whenever a webhook is updated. |