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How do trials work if I have a free version on WordPress.org?

If you have a free version, after 24 hours, a dismissable admin notice with a trial offer will automatically appear in the WP admin dashboard.
Freemius SDK admin notice in WP admin with a free trial offer message
Clicking on the “Start free trial” button will redirect the user to the plugin’s in-dashboard pricing page with the option to start a trial with any of the plans.
Once the user selects a plan and starts the trial, the premium version is securely accessible through a download link which will appear in an admin notice and in an automated email.

User Feedback

Deactivation Feedback Form It’s much easier & cheaper to retain a user than to acquire one. If a user decides to abandon your product – you’d better know who that user is and what evoked their decision, so you can do something about it and keep your product relevant for the long run. Today, when … Continued

3rd Party Integrations

Learn how you can integrate Freemius with 3rd party applications like Help Scout or MailChimp

Help Scout Integration

Help Scout Custom App Getting your Help Scout dynamic app to load your customer information which was captured by Freemius takes only a few minutes: Login to your Freemius dashboard Go to Integrations → Help Scout: Using this direct link: https://secure.helpscout.net/apps/custom/, open a new tab in your browser to create a custom dynamic app on … Continued

Events & Webhooks

Events & webhooks allow you to perform some behind-the-scenes magic to automate your marketing efforts. Once you start using webhooks to automate email marketing you will get hooked. What Is An Event? An event is any action taken by someone inside your plugin/theme. You have control over what that action will be, and you can … Continued

The Insights Dashboard

Once you add Freemius to your product – data from every user that opts-in is captured and displayed on your Freemius dashboard in a way that facilitates recognizing any tendencies/behaviors among your users, and helps identify any issues your users may be having with your product. Your Billing Cycles At the top of your analytics … Continued

How do you handle downloads and file hosting?

We securely deliver reliable downloads to valid license holders through our API, utilizing S3 hosting on AWS.

Do you offer specialized pricing for micro-transactions like on Apple’s App Store or Google’s Android Market?

The recommended minimum price per transaction is $3.99. Otherwise, your processing fee will be as high as 30%-50% due to the minimum per transaction rates charged by Stripe and PayPal. Email us to discuss your specific situation.

Do you offer automated recurring/subscription-based billing?

We support automatic renewals, and encourage software makers to sell subscriptions to build long term sustainable businesses. It increases renewal rate, removes the hassle of payment renewal and increases your bottom line. Freemius monthly and annual plans are both automatically renewed.