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Before you release a version of your product that has Freemius integrated in it, to production, you probably want to test things out, making sure everything works properly. Here’s what Freemius recommends in terms of testing the functionality & integration: Setting Freemius Into Development Mode Add the following constants to your testing environment’s wp-config.php file … Continued

Handling Licensing

It’s quite easy to be able to have your product support a licensing mechanism with Freemius. All you need to do is add some logic that will help Freemius understand which parts (code blocks) of your product belong to which of your payment plans. Once you have that logic in place Freemius will automatically use … Continued

Opt-in Screen

The Freemius SDK comes with a default opt-in screen that has gone through many improvement iterations to maximize clarity and optimize conversion rate while adhering to the standard WP Admin UI styles. As every plugin/theme is unique, you may want to customize the opt-in screen to better match your product’s style/tone/brand and audience. You can … Continued

Integration & Configuration

Integrating the Freemius SDK into your product is a quick step you need to complete in order to be able to take advantage of all the benefits that come with using Freemius. After completing these instructions your product will be all set up and ready to sell. Here’s how to do it: After logging in … Continued

So, what exactly does it do?

Freemius is a merchant of record (MoR) specializing in selling software products. The Freemius platform offers in-depth analytics and marketing automation capabilities designed to maximize Average Sale Price (ASP) and conversion rates while minimizing churn. With Freemius, makers can sell SaaS (Software as a Service) and downloadable software, including WordPress plugins and themes, as well … Continued


How to successfully migrate your digital products from different services into Freemius

Marketing Automation

Learn about a smart & customizable way to automate your plugins / themes marketing process

Analytics & Insights

Learn how to start making smart, data-driven decisions about your product development and marketing

Selling with Freemius

Everything you need to know in order to start selling your plugins / themes with Freemius


Get introduced to the platform and learn the basics.