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I received a subscription notification without a payment notification, what’s going on?

Due to the way PayPal’s recurring profiles mechanism works, it can take up to 24 hours until Freemius receives the approval notification for the subscriptions’ initial payment. To keep a smooth purchase experience for customers, Freemius will email the license key and the download link to the paid product – right away.

To mitigate potential abuse, when a customer subscribes to your product the system will issue a 24-hour blocking license. Once we receive the payment notification from PayPal, the license will be extended based on the subscription billing cycle, and the blocking state of the license will be auto-adjusted based on the plan’s configuration.

We could have designed the upgrade process slightly differently, emailing the downloadable product only after the payment approval, but we decided that we aren’t going to “break” a proper subscription UX just because of a small group of trolls that can abuse this PayPal flaw.

License Utilization

Using One License for Live / Production, Staging, Dev and Localhost Sites When creating a new plan, by default, generated licenses can be activated on localhost/staging/dev environments without the need to purchase any additional licenses. If you keep that option set as recommended, one license should keep your customers covered. Localhost, staging and development environments … Continued

Cart Abandonment Recovery

Based on studies, 7 out of 10 people who start a checkout process will abandon it before completing the transaction. A common technique to recover some of these lost customers is a Cart Abandonment Recovery emails campaign. Freemius comes with a fully-featured Cart Abandonment Recovery mechanism that will work for you automatically, and out of … Continued

MailChimp Integration

The MailChimp integration allows syncing user and/or customer emails directly with your MailChimp lists whenever certain events occur within your plugin or theme. Syncing the emails with your MailChimp is super easy! It doesn’t require any coding and only takes a few minutes: Login to your Freemius dashboard and go to INTEGRATIONS -> MAILCHIMP: Connect … Continued

Selling Add-Ons / Extensions

Historically, many WordPress developers chose to monetize with the add-ons/extensions freemium business model, trying to replicate the success of popular products like WooCommerce. In most cases, the add-ons model is actually not a good fit and we are seeing a market shift towards plans and add-on bundles (similar to plans). Therefore, if you are just … Continued

Dunning & Failed Payments

One Time Purchase When a user purchases a plugin or theme using Freemius, the system will immediately try to process the payment. If the payment cannot be processed for any reason, the checkout will fail and the user will get a corresponding message. Subscriptions Initial Payment When a user subscribes to a plugin or theme … Continued

Refund Policy

Upon creating a new product on Freemius you should choose which of the 4 available refund policies suits your product and your customers the best. For Plugin Authors: The “Money back guarantee” policy is known to increase conversion rates. Therefore, we do recommend setting up a refund period for plugins. That is, unless your plugin … Continued

Can I upsell multi-site licenses?

Yes. You can set up custom monthly, annual and lifetime pricing for any amount of licenses.

Can I offer a discount on license renewals?

Yes, you can. Keep in mind though, that our annual and monthly plans renew automatically.
This means that customers don’t have to take any proactive action to renew the license.
In other words, you don’t need to convince the customer to renew. The decision is whether to cancel the license or continue. Unless a customer is unhappy with your plugin or has stopped using it, a renewal discount has no significant effect on that decision.

Therefore, as a rule of thumb, we do not recommend setting a discount for renewals unless your plugin does not provide a continued value (e.g. a migration plugin, or any one-time action plugin). In that case, maybe it is worth setting up a lifetime price.