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AppSumo & Lifetime Deals

Before you get started with AppSumo or any similar LTD (Lifetime Deal) partners, we highly recommend reading this in-depth article. It will guide you through the pros and cons of running an LTD, as well as the nitty-gritty unit economics shared by Puneet on his experience running a deal with AppSumo. If you are considering … Continued

Migrating from CodeCanyon to Freemius

With the help of our partners who migrated from CodeCanyon to Freemius, we managed to develop a very simple and proven migration process that anyone can follow. Step I – Start to sell with Freemius Follow the getting started guide to… Create an account Create the theme on Freemius Configure its plans and prices Integrate … Continued

Support Contact Form

How to enable the Contact Form in the User Dashboard To activate the contact form, select the relevant store from the Stores tab. Go to the storeā€™s Settings and toggle the Show support contact form switch on: Refresh the User Dashboard, and you should see the new ā€œSupportā€ menu item. Contextual Categories The contact form … Continued

Single Sign-On for WordPress

If you are using WordPress to power your website and like to allow users and customers to login to your WordPress with their Freemius credentials, you can use our official Single Sign-On WordPress Plugin. This plugin bridges the gap between WordPress and the Freemius API. When a user logs in with their Freemius credentials and … Continued

Tabs Navigation

If you are worried about cluttering the WordPress admin menu, you can easily change the default navigation by implementing navigational tabs at the top of your plugin settings page. This is especially relevant when your plugin settings page is a submenu. e.g. Under the top-level Settings WordPress menu item (options-general.php). This is just one plugin. … Continued

Multi-Currency Pricing & Support

Freemius infrastructure fully supports multi-currency transactions. Currently, we support 3 currencies: USD: $ U.S. Dollars (Default) EUR: ā‚¬ Euros GBP: Ā£ British Pounds Who can benefit from multi-currency the most? Accepting multiple currencies is particularly valuable for European sellers, who generally have a major chunk of their customers based in Europe. It may not be … Continued

Automated Emails Sent by Freemius

Below is a list of all the emails Freemius automatically sends to users of a plugin or theme. Our emails are currently not customizable but we are planning to introduce a templates engine to give more control. Please feel free to request features on our public Features board. Purchase, Payment, and Subscription Emails After subscription … Continued

WP Admin Account

By utilizing the WordPress SDK an account section will be automatically added to your plugin/theme settings right within the WP Admin dashboard. If your Account menu item isn’t available, go to /wp-admin/admin.php?page=my-slug-account. Managing your account The in-dashboard Account page allows users to manage their profile, license, subscription, and billing. All in the context of the … Continued