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What languages is your WordPress SDK translated to?

You can check out all of the supported languages and help us translate the SDK (we know you want to be on our hall of fame 😉 ) on our Transifex translations manager.

Will selecting “deactivate license” under user account in WordPress cancel the billing / subscription?

Deactivating the license will not cancel the subscription.
It’s there for cases in which the customer wants to migrate a license to a different installation (for example, when migrating to a different host or domain).

Under the “Sites” menu, what is the difference between “Plan” and “Is Premium”?

If you name your paid plan as “Premium” you might get a little confused with the terminology.
The data under the plan column shows the current plan of the install.
“Is Premium” tells if that site is running the free or the premium code version of your module.

Is your SDK RTL compliant?

Yes, it is.

Can I offer a paid trial to my users?

Yes. You can offer a Free Trial with a required payment method by setting a trial period in your plan settings and then turning on the “Require Credit Card or PayPal” option.

Can I offer a free trial to my users?

Yes. You can set a trial period in your plan settings. Just make sure to turn the “Require Credit Card or PayPal” option off.

Does Freemius support prorating?

Proration handles the increase or decrease to the subscription price when a price changes during any period of a subscription. By default, Freemius prorates plan updates (upgrades or downgrades).

How can I send emails to my users and customers?

We don’t provide a custom emailing mechanism. We might offer this option in the future as an additional paid package.

For now, the best way is to either download the ‘users list’ file from the Users section in the dashboard,

Freemius Developer Dashboard - Download the user list

or leverage our webhooks mechanism by pushing users’ details, including emails, to mailing platforms such as MailChimp or Customer.io.

What does the license renewal process look like for customers?

All plans (besides lifetime / one-time plan) are automatically renewed.
For annual plans, the customer will receive a friendly reminder email a month prior to the renewal date, giving them enough time to cancel the subscription, if they wish to do so.