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Will you share the captured emails with someone else?

Your data is safe and sound. We will never-ever, never-ever share your captured user emails with any 3rd party.

Can I use Insights in my Premium only plugin or theme?

Yes, you can! In addition, since you are not obligated to any guidelines, you can capture all the information and skip the opt-in screen. If you do so, you would need to explicitly mention that part in your privacy and terms of use. Having said that, since no one actually reads the privacy and terms, we recommend using the opt-in screen as an ethical transparency act.

Can I use Freemius Insights on CodeCanyon and ThemeForest?

Yes! It’s compliant with the marketplace rules. In fact, a similar analytics product, called PressTrends, was widely adapted by ThemeForest and CodeCanyon developers in early 2014.

Can I use Freemius Insights with EDD or WooCommerce?

Absolutely YES! There’s no collision nor interaction between Freemius Insights and other eCommerce solutions. Freemius Insights does not depend on on our monetization solutions. You can add Freemius Insights to both your free and premium plugin versions.

Is Freemius a WordPress.org Compliant?

Mos-def! If you are familiar with the guidelines, you already know that “phoning home” is not allowed without the user’s consent. Therefore, we don’t capture any information without user opt-in. We probably have the most strict opt-in form in the wp.org repo.

User & Websites Data

If you’ve been developing for WordPress.org for a while, you probably know that there’s almost no data about your users that’s available for you to use. Now, finally, WordPress developers can make data-driven decisions about their products, using the Freemius Insights advanced analytics! After following the instructions and integrating the Freemius SDK into your product … Continued

Getting Paid (Your Earnings)

How Freemius handles payout to its partners (sellers). To see your current earnings status, click to toggle the menu at top right hand side of the screen and head over to the My Earnings screen from anywhere on your Freemius account. In the My Earnings screen, you can see your payable earnings amount, according to … Continued

Migrating from Easy Digital Downloads to Freemius

With over a decade of experience, we have perfected the migration of software companies from Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) to Freemius. Our efficient and robust two-step process ensures a seamless transition: Data Import: Transfer all relevant data from EDD to Freemius. Ongoing Renewals Syncing: For stores with active, auto-renewing subscriptions, we connect your payment processors … Continued

Version Deployment

There are two main reasons why Freemius manages its own repository and deployment process: To be able to securely serve premium plugin/theme downloads and updates to customers who own a valid license. To simplify code management by allowing developers to maintain only one code base which contains all of their plugin/theme functionality. A free, WordPress.org … Continued


Freemius has some pretty comfortable options for debugging and logging to make the process of integration easier for you, the developer: Development Mode During development and testing, add define( 'WP_FS__DEV_MODE', true ); to your dev environment’s wp-config.php in order to display the Freemius Debug menu item. Freemius Debug Page You can access Freemius Debug page … Continued